What happens if we connect the world's largest content library (YouTube) to the world's largest marketplace (Amazon) in order to surface shoppable moments within any video. Could we turn YouTube into the millennial version of the Home Shopping Network?
Video is Taking Over the World, But Something is Missing
Perhaps Martha Stewart summed it up best at her 2015 Social Media Week interview:
Turning YouTube into The Home Shopping Network
We took Martha's idea to heart by creating the ShopYouTube proof of concept. ShopYouTube utilizes Tagasauris's A.I. Platform to identify products within any YouTube video, discover them on any shopping portal that's accessible via API (Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc.) and present them to the viewer in a time-synchronous manner. As you watch a video, products displayed in the that video are populated on-screen beneath the video player with 1-click access to that product on a shoppable destination.
Project Completed For: Tagasauris